How can your organization pay for your blogging?

Did Microsoft own and then now lose   CooperKatz (or now Edelman) owned/owns  Did business 2.0 magazine own GigaOM?

Can you imagine without Robert Scoble? without Steve Rubel?  GigaOM without Om Malik? 

Of course, not.

Blogging is personal as Jeff Jarvis and Mark Cuban argue and should best be “unfiltered” as Jason Calacanis puts it.

But when the blogging becomes personal, how can your organization pay for your blogging?  How would they put it in the equation of the marketing planning or whatever one of those corporate planning activities?

As of today, most of us are still paid for something else and blog for free or charge.  The challenge to organizations as well as individuals is to find that equation somehow and make economic sense of it.