What can MIXI do for you ? – Part II

Mixi is a social networking community site operating in Japanese language in Japan. Its feature pretty much resembles orkut.com in that the membership is by invitation only and it thereby felicitates discussion by diary or interest community and peer-to-peer friendships along the way. Because each member is forced to be identified to some extent by the system, she or he can remain less anonymous and hence is put in more secured environments than conventional internet world or blogging. I particularly like “Ashiato足跡 function, which is the trace automatically notified in the log whenever someone visits my personal page within MIXI, which makes it easy to initiate discussion. Thanks to that, my MY MIXI (or, “MAIMIKU” for short in Japanese, the equivalent of “add me as a friend” in orkut) now grows to 13. Bacause of that nature, I feel the psychological distance among members more close and the conversation more deep inside MIXI than those taking place outside (blogging).

For what it’s worth, its current membership is 2,895,360. In terms of subscription base, it is equivalent of about 29% of Yomiuri or about 35% of Asahi, the two of Japan’s largest newspapers.

Update: This is part I of the same topic in Japanese. Here is a lens called “What can mixi do for you?” at squidoo.

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0 responses to “What can MIXI do for you ? – Part II”

  1. ky Avatar

    I know that MIXI’s a number of members are so huge now.
    Also my “MAIMIKU” is growing.
    I sometime look around communities, and think that what this community for.
    That’s OKay. I just skip it.
    I am staying about 20~30 communities always, because I want to try to reply their comments.
    This is the same way to MAIMIKU.

    Bye 4 now.

  2. morikenstyle Avatar

    comments arigato gozaimasu. 🙂

    Thank you for being my MAIMIKU!

  3. kosuk Avatar


  4. morikenstyle Avatar

    Kokusk さんありがとうございます。ニュースって最近、右側にでてくる


  5. ky Avatar

    Well, here again.
    Let me try,,, 🙂
    Does it work?

  6. morikenstyle Avatar

    Yeah, it DOES work!
    Thanks again for being my MY MIXI 🙂

  7. […] update: こちらはPart IIです。(英語) […]

  8. mixi reached over 3 millon membership…

    According to the company press release (in Japanese), MIXI has reached over 3-million membership. Addiotional 1 million have just been added in the past 84 days since December 2005. If you are interested in MIXI, please also visit my lens at squidoo.

  9. Rodrigo Pinkett Avatar

    There is apparently a bunch to realize about this. I think you made various nice points in features also.