Yesterday, I was quite inspired by this video (thanks!, via Ejovi) and told it to a friend of mine. She subsequently returned yet another CANON Rock by another player, who turned out to be the Taiwanese’s guitarist, JerryC (google video, official site ), who, I just learned, originally arranged this CANON Rock. I am not saying which one is better, but I am simply amazed how a single artist can video record his play in his room and upload it to google video or youtube and attract so much access and downloads overnight. Simply amazing.

In Japanse:  クラッシックの定番 CANONの Rockバージョンです。もともとは台湾のギターリスト少年 (?) JerryC (オフィシャルサイト )がアレンジして自分の部屋で演奏したものですが、グーグルビデオで大人気になったとか。また、こちらは別の少年、YouTubeに数日前にアップロードされた同じ曲のビデオです。部屋で一人で演奏。たった数日で、百三十万回以上の閲覧されているようです。才能さえあれば誰でも一晩で大人気になれる時代なんですね。

Check out technorati chart for JerryC for the last 90 days.
Get your own chart! Here is JerryC community at MIXI.
technorati tags: canon JerryC google+video youtube

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