I don’t see any point some industrial management professor providing the analysis, no matter how excellent it is, on why Zico Japan failed at the FIFA world cup. Especially when it is all over. Please focus on what you need to focus.
Update: For the record, I already pinged a trackback to the origial post at : http://blog.nikkeibp.co.jp/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/94248
Yet it has not appeared in their tb section yet; not quite sure if it will appear any sooner.
Update2: I have confirmed there is one trackback made on that post, which is not mine. That means, they, for one reason or another, didn’t want a trackback link from their post to mine. What exactly is the problem with my post? Tell me. If you can not deal with negative post, if you can not embrace the open conversation, you are DEAD!
What was it the original article about ? – INNOVATION? Not sure how you guys gonna innovate without having an open conversation. Good luck!
Update3: Incidentally, Mr Sasahara, a journalist an employee at advertising section at Nikkei Newspaper, which is the parent comapany of Nikkei BP, has been reportedly arrested for insider information and immediately fired by the company today.