how the word-of-mouth catches up

Obviously Softbank mobile X01 HT is backed up by mass advertising (I mean, indirectly), while mylo and fon not backed up by mass advertising. H01 curve is steep, others’ more slow and gradual in mixi community size comparison. But hey they all surely catch up.

UPDATE: According to, “X01HT” is ranked as 3rd popular word, indicating the phenomena. I am also glad to know now has favorite tab, which has only been avalable in (English).

UPDATE: FON increased significantly from 132 to 429 after the launching campaign on Dec 5, accompanied by La fonera giveaway for 5 days, Fon Night event in metropolitan Tokyo. It was covered by major media such as CNET Japan, IT Media (Online), World Business Satellite (News program, on channel 12, Network TV), Newspapers (which I haven’t confirmed the detail though).


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