CNET Japan reports that NHK, Japan’s BBC, is going to host the weblog for its new Saturday night live* show. The show itself seems to be about blogging, too. I think, at least, it is a bold experiment for the flagship national TV station to run the live show along with its blogging, which would inevitably be live with the trackback, if not the comment, function equipped. Just waiting to see how the things will develop.
* Title: Tsunagaru Terebi @Human, 23:00-24:00 Saturday at NHK Channel 1.
Update 1: 3/21/2006
I’ve found it wierd that its blog warns a viewer, upon the click on the link or trackback link, that the page she or he is being re-directed at is not NHK’s production, as shown below:
For the trackback link, it is still understandable to show this alert even if NHK seems to check the contents before the approval. However, for the link to another external page, which is made by NHK themselves, it is hardly understandable and even resentful; since rather than showing such an alert, they can simply write whatever they think about the contents, to which they are miking a link, and why. I hope they will learn from good predeseesors overseas such as the Guadian’s Georgina Henry (via BuzzMachine), who also expressed her fear of losing the control of the contents.
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